0:09good morning my friends you are watching on your TV on the smart money culture TV

0:15network in Texas and Louisiana and joining as well welcome from around the world as we stream on all of these

0:23wonderful platforms that they give us I think for the first time we’re streaming

0:29on Rumble as well streaming just set up that uh thing there just set up that channel

0:37and uh we’ll see we’ll see I had to you have to do a couple things before they let you stream I’ve been uploading some

0:43videos over there impact money show uh but hopefully we’re streaming today we’ll see as uh as things go on pretty

0:50interesting day of course uh we have a77 magnitude earthquake over in Japan

0:59pretty big uh pretty big earthquake I haven’t gotten a whole lot of news out of that just saw that it was happening

1:05uh we have of course the markets are in a bit of rebound Dow futures are lagging though notably Dow futures are lagging

1:12Dow futures are still down uh but the rest of the market seems to be recovering Iran signals yesterday that

1:20they are not going to retaliate

1:25now or whatever they’re going to be a little bit more strategic about about everything that sent the

1:33markets uh up of course everybody even as you’re buying in buying into the dip

1:38you’re thinking okay it could go lower it could go lower it could go lower dollar cost average as we always say

1:45very good uh very good strategy at times like this and if you did Dollar Cash average into the dip like we did you’re

1:52pretty happy right now uh hopefully you did hopefully you watch the show and you take some of our signals and you use

1:58them because there is a big big transfer of wealth

2:04it’s happening and you should be a part of it I had a great interview with uh my

2:13friend had a great interview with my friend I stepen Melnick which I’ll play a

2:20little bit later Stephen is a good friend of mine and he has his lives Amplified Network unbelievable uh

2:26Network that he’s put together so I’m going to talk to him uh I’ll bring uh I’ll bring that interview on the show a

2:32bit later uh big news really in the in the T ecosystem I talked about ton quite

2:39a bit right I talk about ton ton is listed on binance I didn’t even know it wasn’t listed on binance of course

2:45binance is not available for us here in the US there might be binance us I don’t really uh participate in these types of

2:53exchanges that make you give all your information and stuff like that so I

2:58wouldn’t know totally to be honest but uh anyway they get listed on binance binance is the

3:05largest I by volume I mean they’re they’re Head and Shoulders above everybody they are the they are that’s

3:11the deal so they’re going to get on binance that should give us a nice big pump and already today as a matter of

3:17fact you saw a big move on ton big move on ton uh let me just uh pull that up

3:24here I’ll take a look at it uh it was going to do a big move anyway it had pulled back quite a bit but yeah six and

3:30a half uh up 6 and a half% on the day it was about 10% pulled back a bit in the last

3:38hour uh a lot of times the way that’ll work is you have a a bit of a pullback

3:44or something on bitcoin and then that’ll affect the whole Market but overall I expect that to continue because ton

3:51ecosystem we talk about it all the time ton ecosystem is booming it’s booming

3:56it’s really easy to build stuff on it and they have you know they always talk about Africa and this and that and that

4:03market and blah blah blah and everything else well I’ll tell you what ton has

4:08when I get on these different X spaces and everything else I was on another ton space last night uh I should I should

4:15start talking on them I’m just kind of listening at the moment I talk a lot though you know I mean whatever and it’s mostly kids to be honest but that’s what

4:23you want to see right it’s kids from like Africa it’s kids from Asia it’s it’s kids and that’s that’s what you

4:28want to see you want to see uh that there’s a lot of kids on there because the kids that’s that’s who you that’s

4:36how we grow right is uh as we get the kids on there so that’s that’s what I see with the ton ecosystem that listing

4:42on finance I think is going to play out in Spades for them and for us of course I’m

4:48I’m long on T as well I I am long on

4:53uh on dog or flower dog or flower one of my favorites there I talk about them all

4:59time and dog or flower is looking pretty nice too

5:05uh so that actually really nice really nice move today on on dog or flower I can

5:12talk more about that in a bit uh let’s see here I’m just going to post some links underneath my post on

5:21X here just so everybody has him I get yourself some coin Vigilant

5:28watches [Music] um and all these other ones here boom

5:41oops there we go also money 2020 is coming up and as

5:48well if you’re in the DC area we have another GBA event uh the government

5:56blockchain Association event is is coming up as well next week I believe

6:03so all right uh let’s see here we have uh the Camala and Trump are rallying the

6:10voters they’re both rallying the voters I got to tell you guys I know I’ve said it a couple of times before that people

6:17are pretty happy they’re pretty happy with Cala I know seems

6:26uh it seems uh like to to a lot of the Republican voters are like oh my God

6:32Kamala this Kamala that oh my gosh I can’t believe it the Democrat voters pretty happy with her I talked to one of

6:38my neighbors yesterday and he said yeah I wasn’t even gonna vote for Biden he’s

6:43like but I’m pretty happy with Cala so yeah take that for what it’s worth I think that they’re both very polarizing

6:50figures whether it’s Trump uh and I don’t say it in the bad way but whether it’s Trump or whether it is

6:57um or or whether it’s ala you know Kamala gets on stage yesterday or day

7:02before and she talks about you know her and this this guy who everybody hates this guy uh her VP whatever his name is

7:09never heard of the guy really and I draft Dodger or something whatever he is

7:15and everybody you know every they to gun this and gun that and we’re gonna take the guns and we’re gonna do this and

7:21we’re gonna do good morning good morning and I mean I radical I told my neighbor and he goes well that’s not radical I

7:26well that’s radical to me and that’ll get out the vote that’ll get out the Republican vote and so you have two

7:33figures here right now on that are running that are probably going to get out the vote for both sides they’re both

7:40going to get out the vote for both sides that talk of a you know gun control and

7:47everything else that will absolutely get out the Republican vote I mean if even if they’re they’re not already out

7:53because I think they are already already coming out um yunin in Virginia right

7:59next door to me there in Virginia has signed an executive

8:05order uh that’s aimed at stopping illegals from voting so that’s pretty interesting as well you know

8:12Virginia really turned blue for no good reason I well because they they piled in

8:20all of these newcomers and they put them strategically around I around the the the area in

8:28different places I mean you know you have like you know certain places in Northern Virginia I mean it’s so far Democrat it’s like it’s

8:35like crazy you know what I mean like it’s they win by like margins of 30 and 40% 20 30 and 40% now a lot of that are

8:43they all legal voters I don’t know I don’t know are they are they they may or may not be I’m not sure but apparently

8:50yunin Governor yunin thought that it was a big enough deal that he was going to

8:55sign an executive order to try and stop it so that’s pretty interesting so he signed that executive order yesterday

9:02Ukraine offensive is gaining ground over there in uh over there in Eastern Europe

9:08in the Ukraine Russia area there they have taken some uh some areas that

9:14previously Russia had taken back and um I think that you’ll you know they’re

9:20kind of letting that play out of course Putin has come in very strongly to back

9:26Iran uh maybe they feel like now is a good time to move that it’s also the summer um and summer if you’re going to

9:33fight a war over in Eastern Eastern Europe summer is the time to do it man the winner is rough is rough over there

9:40so that counter that offensive is going well for them at the moment uh the UK as

9:45we warrant the UK has uh is now arresting protesters they’re arresting

9:52uh social media posters and everything like that and that’s part of what I was I’ve said from the uh onset of these

10:00protests and it’s not that I against people protesting in general but we want to protest against the right people and

10:06you also don’t want to you know be burning places down and stuff like that it’s not that’s not going to help your

10:12cause and as well poor people let’s not have poor people fighting poor people let’s have uh poor people uh protesting

10:20against the the people that are actually in control and making the uh making the

10:26laws and everything else so let’s talk more about the markets I got got my my main man here sir Matt the great Matt

10:32how are you hello good morning I’m good thank you how are you Bruce oh doing pretty good I H it’s funny I I usually I

10:40will uh wake up a number of times during the evening or during the night and I didn’t wake up once I went to sleep I

10:48woke up I said well it must be like 1:30 or something oh 5 a all right let’s go

10:53let’s go always been worrying when you hear about well I mean that war is worried

10:59no matter what I mean we both agree on that yeah but um you know obviously we

11:05want it to be over you hear of Ukraine um gaining ground and anything that’s backing Putin into a corner so it’s all

11:12very um it’s worrying no matter it’s like you get some you get some news and you’re like okay well you know Iran kind

11:19of signals that they’re not going to do anything which I think you obviously it’s probably the right move I mean you

11:25hate to be the one that the last one that takes the hit but I mean you know come on guys and then you have uh and then but it’s

11:31like in the same breath you have what’s going on over there in the Ukraine obviously Putin’s going to respond I

11:36don’t think that Ukraine’s going to be able to hold that ground and uh we’re going to see more deaths I we’re talking

11:41so many deaths we don’t talk about it though much because they don’t really publicize the deaths over in the Eastern

11:48Europe but it’s like it’s it’s like an astronomical number I mean these guys they’ll lose like thousands of men in a day it’s like crazy yeah it’s absolutely

11:56unbelievable it’s shocking um we don’t he about yeah it’s like trench warfare like

12:03we’re talking like World War II style like horrible yeah yeah terrible anyway

12:09onto the markets um I’ve shared my screen I trust you can see that uh yeah yeah yeah we

12:16go looking at the dxy the US dollar

12:21Index the US dollar Index yeah so we had news out of Japan so obviously we had

12:26the news the other day they raised interest rates by what seemed a small amount it’s actually a massive amount caused that big carry

12:33trade unwind and it’s a combination of that and a combination of uh the employment figures out of the US so a

12:40bit of a perfect storm any you know a couple of things coming together that were very negative for the market now

12:47hopefully we’re out of that we’ll see at the moment the US dollar appears to certainly have bottomed um and it’s

12:54pushing higher now we had a perfect ABC on this push down here where the

12:59c-wave was 1.618 times the a-wave um actually

13:06yeah times this first wave here um but it actually rested perfectly on the support line here this supporting trend

13:12line here that I drew basically just from the touch points pretty well from the touch points on below and above and

13:19it’s containing the price quite nicely at the moment um and longer term I think

13:25we do need to perhaps zoom out a little bit to try and get some idea of what direction would going to be

13:30heading um it looks as though we most likely um break to the downside after

13:37this so we probably complete a further push High then break to the downside so maybe that’s when uh they actually start

13:46to lower interest rates further in well say further when they start to raise lower rates um and possibly even raise

13:53the Spectre of further QE in the future so um at some point I think dollar will fall but um it looks as though we’re

14:00going to be on a steady rise which is basically rewinding and building up that carry trade again um as we know when

14:06there’s a crash we know that the Japanese Yen will fall I just wanted to touch on a couple of tokens that I

14:12featured on my X so I’m just going to touch on X here so one of them here

14:17Avalanche um it actually got an upgrade from eBay which um all good so what I do

14:23I use the eBay tool to identify assets that may have been upgraded or downgraded

14:29um and I’ll take a closer look because obviously there’s thousands of assets out there I can’t look at them all so I use eBay just to sort of fine tune and

14:37allow me to focus in on just a few that I can do some more in-depth DD on so

14:43Avalanche avax was upgraded so I thought I’ll take a closer look is and they have

14:48you know they have a good ecosystem there robust a robust economy yeah um

14:57just looking there the volume I mean trade volume was down a bit obviously the markets were down um and yet you can

15:04see here 24hour trade was down the volume was down 18% the price was down

15:103% in 24 hours seven days down uh 18% so it’s all looking negative on the price

15:17perspective but it’s still got the upgrade from eBay and there’s reasons behind it and it is an AI system it

15:23looks a lot of different things um to and it uses very complex Computing to be

15:28able to work out these upgrades and downgrades so anyway Avalanche got the upgrade so I think right I’m going to

15:35take a deeper look deeper dive into avalan so I looked at the price history going back a few months and I can see

15:42from the peak we had there back in March time we basically had an ABC down the

15:49seawave is just beyond 618 times the um times the a-wave down uh it’s a fairly

15:57reasonable correction but what I found more interesting was we got bullish Divergence and we know from number of

16:04times we’ve looked at this is one of the more accurate tools um to identify or to

16:11indicate when a when an asset is going to change direction or even contined Direction depending on which kind of

16:17Divergence it is now when you get this is regular bullish Divergence when you get regular bullish it means a change of

16:24Direction and so we’re expecting a change of direction from a decline learning price we’re expecting it to

16:30start to rise because we have regular bullish Divergence and that is basically when you get lower lows on the price and

16:38higher lows on RSI what’s interesting here as well is we actually had oversold RSI below 30 here so we get the um

16:46Regular bullish Divergence we get oversold RSI and we get a nice ABC elot

16:53wave um structure on the way down falling to about 618 and if we looked at the um percentage the FIB percentage of

17:00the overall move I’m sure it would be um an important number so I’m expecting

17:06most likely a good move up so from a risk reward perspective um it looks reasonable I’d be interested in looking

17:12at this further now so as I say I use Dev to identify I’ll then do further DD it’s one that I’m really interested in

17:19as you say it’s a good ecosystem it has good trade volume and it looks uh yeah it’s an amazing asset

17:26so bear in mind the thing that I just mentioned has good trade volume so I just want to I will focus on another um

17:33actually I’ll just jump straight down to it at the moment this is one Harmony which I used to love this token but I

17:40did say when it got to the top um I was saying it was a sell and that was

17:45somewhere around the 40 Cent Mark a long time ago we’re now at one cent and we actually dipped to 08 a cent um over the

17:52weekend but the interesting thing is every candle is the same and what this tells me is one one Harmony it is still

18:00alive it’s almost on life support because there’s very little actual trade

18:06volume all this trade volume here all these trades appear to be from automated Market making and so it moves with the

18:14market so wherever the markets go it goes so it’s like just drifting in the wind with the markets and it’s actually

18:21using the automated Market maker to to put in um trades buy and sell trades to

18:26give it the trade volume so at the moment is not one that be interested in apart from maybe taking a small position

18:34in the hope that something fundamental will change because they did have these problems they had a major hack um a lot

18:40of money was stolen um and they’ve never recovered from that and so if I were looking at

18:46this asset it would just be a very small amount of capital that I can just forget about completely forget and maybe if

18:53they I mean it was such a great ecosystem at the time that if things were to be vied then potentially it you

19:01know there’s potential so but it’s just I wouldn’t I wouldn’t put much much

19:06Capital there at all it’s just one of those small ones you might just put a little bit away to forget and maybe in a

19:12few years time you might be surprised or it might have all gone you don’t know but um it’s funny because yeah that was

19:19one I I think we all did pretty well with that one a couple years ago yeah I

19:25traded it very actively did really well with with one Harmony but just interestingly as I say you can see every

19:31single candle is virtually the same size and that’s just very very typical of automated Market making there’s very

19:38little real trade activity in there but it still goes up and down in the markets because it’s actually paired with um

19:44other currencies other cryptocurrencies so whenever they move it actually moves the one Harmony price as well so that’s

19:51why you’re getting the up and down movement so one above we did touch on

19:56obviously we looked at Avalanche and the one I wanted to look at just again it’s um we didn’t plan this but this is ton

20:03coin and it got another upgrade by eay so it’s actually been bouncing around a little bit obviously we um but it’s

20:10really highly rated I mean a AA rating is next to the highest possible rating

20:15um and it’s a relatively new token it’s got a massive Supply Etc but it’s got tremendous prospects so that doublea

20:22rating you can see it recently got upgraded to double a again I thought right I’ll take a closer look at this so

20:28I’ll I’ll tell you so they just got I mean like four hours ago as I woke up I

20:35they just got Ting us announc their listing time yeah and that probably has

20:41I mean it’s amazing that we got the upgrade before that listing before announcement came out and then look at

20:46it it’s done I think it’s 18% we’ll have a look at the actual charts in a minute but when I looked at it it’s up 18% so

20:54we had a great um sell opportunity now this is the opposite we looked before at regular bullish now this is hidden

21:01bearish Divergence so hidden bearish Divergence this tells you of a continuation of the downtrend so we got

21:07a downtrend from here to here whilst RSI Peaks were increasing so basically you

21:13got higher volume with lower prices effectively so that’s telling you there’s more um more downside to come

21:20which is exactly what happened I didn’t look over the longer term and I can’t do it just on this chart maybe we’ll look

21:26later but I would imagine there’s some long-term Divergence here that would tell you of the move up but that move up

21:33was amazing um and when we talk about amazing moves up then of course we have

21:39to talk about xrp so I’m just going to go on to the main chart xrp leads the recovery xrp so

21:49um where is xrp here we are with xrp so yesterday it was up about 25 30%

21:55something like that so remember we spoke about it yesterday and we said okay we’ve completed the W in fact going

22:03longer term back the um wxy correction

22:08looks like it’s complete and we’ve started to move to the upside quite nicely so saying yesterday it’s looking

22:14really bullish because we had basically five waves up here one two three four five a correction down or it could even

22:20been five to here then a correction down ABC expanded flat correction um and then

22:27moving up quite strongly so we said yesterday and again I remember talking so much about these

22:32Wicks here said we had this long Wick below it tested below and failed and I said we can expect some good upside to

22:39come on xrp and lo and behold as so often happens we say we can tell it in

22:44the chart and then sometime later something comes to validate the chart reading that we gave out so the charts

22:50were telling us we’re expecting a pump in xrp we came out in advance yesterday

22:56we knew nothing about the SEC ruling but the SEC came out with a lot more clarity

23:01about xrp yes they got a fine $135 million it’s like nothing $135 million

23:08for ripple and and they’re not a security I mean they’re releasing $500

23:14million of tokens every month so it’s you know it’s it’s less than it’s it’s

23:20you know a quarter what is it a third or something less than a third a quarter or a third or something of um the monthly

23:26token release so that that is you know it means nothing to them really it means

23:32nothing to them that’s yeah but and they’re not in security which is pretty

23:38crazy because I’ve talked about it before I mean I remember back in the day they were just you know they were just selling the the tokens on the

23:44website yeah and they anyway it’s great that they’re not it’s great but yeah so

23:51we had this big arrow in yesterday before yesterday’s news and we got this massive pump 30% overnight up a little

23:57bit today at 1.65% there’s bound to be a little bit of profit taking but I still think the prospects are very very bright

24:03for the time being because I think this is a corrective move down and I think we’re just beginning an impulsive move

24:09to the upside so I think it’ll probably now be driven um be carried a bit by the

24:14markets as well yeah I think we could be in for a good little run on the markets after all the bad news that we had so

24:21just going back to in fact I probably won’t go back to but we had some really good buying the dip from the

24:27institutions um I probably will just jump back in I was looking at a couple of um the tweets there I’m not sure

24:34whether I mentioned it but basically we did have some good um buying from the institutions here so Black Rock micro

24:40strategy and Fidelity um maintaining a long-term bullish Outlook and we saw proprietary trading debts accounting for

24:4750 57% of the total buying flows of Bitcoin so when you think about it a year ago we

24:55didn’t have such a thing we didn’t have this institutional and propri trading and you know we didn’t really have this

25:00buying a BTC but now we have institutional buying a BTC so it has basically um you know an un it’s

25:09underpinned by institutional buying and obviously I think when we get past

25:14all-time highs which I still believe we will I think maybe retailers might just begin to realize it is going somewhere

25:21and I think the Bitcoin really could be going Skyhigh so if we get past that previous alltime High then I think we

25:28could it could open the floodgates and more institutions more Pension funds we’ve said it all um there’s more and

25:35more people coming into um cryptocurrency Bitcoin more and more

25:40people I mean it’s still just a one1 trillion dollar market cap guys is like on bitcoin is like crazy low2 trillion

25:47doll market cap a bit over maybe 2.2 whatever it is right now total crypto market cap is laughable yeah we are it

25:55is early it is early um we see this move down the ABC move down uh actually the

26:02c-wave we have to move that down here now and just be interesting to see if I

26:07measured that a wve I’ll just measure it very quickly the magnitude the a wve probably

26:13to that have to relabel this all slightly just see where the B wve goes okay

26:19there’s no particular no particular FIB extension there really um that I can see

26:25there isn’t always um I was just interested to see if there was there um we got caught out here this is why I use

26:31risk reward because I expected that we’re going to push higher from here you can see over the weekend we pushed

26:37seriously down but this is what I say when you get a support level and I’ll just open this out to show you exactly

26:42how your trade would have been um we had a support level at this

26:48level here the bottom of that level there and that level there now that’s a

26:53support because that dipped down there it means that price tested that level and was rejected and went higher

26:58so I would expect that when price came down here I expected price to push up from here according to this Arrow here

27:05um that clearly wasn’t the case so when I put a trade here my stop loss will be

27:11quite close because this was the risk here going below this level so anything

27:16below this spike is basically where I’ll be putting my stop loss with the hope of a big move up so my loss here would have

27:23been small so we do occasionally take losses and it’s but it’s very important

27:29not to place your stop losses arbitrarily just say oh I’ll do it 5% below 10% below whatever it might be put

27:35some reasoning behind it some logic behind it so here as I say price tested lower it failed and pushed higher so

27:42when it pushed back down yes I’ll do a buy but I’ll put my stop loss just below this level here and that’s what uh what

27:49I did and um clearly I took a small loss on this trade but I avoided all this now

27:55we’ve moved down here um again I’m probably not looking if I were to do a trade my my risk would be here but at

28:01the moment I wouldn’t be taking a trade on this right now the markets are still a little bit uncertain short term um I

28:08know in general looking positive we’ve got some really good moves overnight um some of those really active coins I mean

28:15ton coin is still up 11% even now um that’s that’s amazing um some of the

28:21other big movs as well I mean Booker memes up 7% it’s had a big move up yesterday and um what else is there

28:29there’s jup Jupiter um Jupiter Dex that’s up 8% today so we got some really

28:34good solid mve up today um all cryptos virtually all cryptos are up um the the

28:42one that we were looking at that caused the turmoil was the Yen um we can see here the dollar against the Yen and it

28:49was the this is the unwinding of the carry trade looking as though it’s rewinding a little bit it’s actually

28:55looking um reasonably constructive and as I think I said I don’t actually I didn’t say but the Japanese um Central

29:03Bank came out and said that this isn’t going to be a concerted um ongoing set

29:10of rate Rises that was just a one-off um so that actually calmed the nerves of the

29:16markets and so we saw some really good rebound on the market so we look here at S&P for example um we did get an nice

29:24little rebound but again there’s still uncertainty as I said there’s some uncertain like I said Dow futures down

29:30you see recovery kind of all over the place but man it’s tepid it’s it’s it’s tepid it’s just the the geopolitical

29:36everything is just uncertain yeah I won’t have confidence as I say until we exceed this dotted line here because

29:44that would tell me that this is just a one an ABC down to here and we’re going to be pushing higher in the impulsive

29:50fashion but until we do that we can still go lower so I would not be taking a trade right now um I wouldn’t be

29:57trying to catch the for Bing knife we don’t know how low it’s going to go I am hopeful that we’ll get a rebound and I

30:02think there’s some reasonable signs out there but I would not take a trade at this level if I were desperate to take a

30:09trade my stop loss would be just below this Spike here and you know that’s that’s still a

30:16relatively big move but yeah my stop loss would be below that Spike this Spike down here just below there so if I

30:22were desperate and really wanted to take a trade you should never be desperate to take a trade and that’s actually one of the big problems that people have they

30:29get addicted to trading they want to take a trade no matter what and they’re look to take a trade um but oh

30:36overtrading is like that’s like one of the I mean everyone’s done it so much

30:42overtrading yeah it’s probably the biggest danger that retail Traders face because trading

30:49is actually all the most important thing they talk about fear and greed and so on it’s discipline actually and discipline

30:55is what controls fear and greed and the discipline allows you to buy in when

31:00markets are crashing and tumbling not to catch a falling knife but to look for the right signs maybe a Fibonacci

31:05extension but manage your risk reward properly it’s all about discipline you have to be disciplined if you’re not

31:11disciplined you will wipe out at some point in time no doubt whatsoever um you can be lucky one or two times but you’ll

31:18wipe out so you have to be disciplined have yourself a set of rules even if you

31:23write down those rules and always stick to them and then you can actually monitor what happened how successful you

31:29are as long as you stuck to rules and you can then modify those rules possibly in the future to try to improve you can

31:36find out which rules didn’t work for you which rules didn’t result in winning trades um so again discipline

31:44documentation um doing everything like a business and it’s not a game you know I

31:49hear people talking about um they play cryptocurrencies and stuff like that like it’s just a game um it’s serious

31:56money it’s actually a serious asset class now um particularly Bitcoin ethereum and I think salana you know is

32:03very very serious ton coin there’s a lot of serious assets out there now um and it’s not a game it’s serious money and

32:09serious money to be made but also to be lost if you don’t do it in the right way that’s right you can make a lot of

32:16money you can lose a lot of money too and actually you’re you’re much

32:21more uh you have you know Traders trading against you so you’re only 5% of

32:27people uh win their trades so you need to be careful you need to trade smart

32:33yeah the odds are definitely against you um because they you know as we’ve said so many times the market makers the big

32:40institutions who are effectively you’re trading on their platform they can actually see where your stop losses are

32:46um how much money you got where your Wipeout point is etc etc so they

32:51definitely got an advantage OB so you have to um be very very disciplined and

32:56understand what the you know actually understand what they know about you if you don’t know what they know about you

33:03then um you’ve got a problem but they do know exactly how much you’ve got and where your stop losses are placed um we

33:10uh looking at ICP ICP has been a great one and at the moment it’s looking um

33:16quite positive but we do I mean again if I was to do a trade here my risk would be

33:21below this Spike down here below this level here um I can see I can’t see

33:27exactly where I measured it from but I can see we went to a perfect extension here 2.68 um so

33:34potentially we that could be the end of the move or we could go lower so if I was doing a trade my tra my stop loss

33:40would be just below this level here um and I’d have bought in around this bikee here and potentially um downside here of

33:48one unit upside even if we go to here is two units so it’s a 2 to1 risk reward um

33:54that’s fair enough for me um as long as your minimum 2 to1 risk reward and the

33:59likelihood is that the markets will probably go up but if they go down you lose one unit so two to one risk reward

34:06you need to win half as many trades as you lose just to break even so hopefully you’ll do better than that um salana has

34:13been a really good one again we’ve had what I think and I mentioned this yesterday that we had a very nice ABC

34:21move to the downside and what I was saying yesterday was that the wave three if this was one

34:27two 3 four five is a leading diagonal it actually can’t be the case with salana

34:33because this wave three is shorter than wave 1 and wave five so it can’t be leading diagonal so as far as I’m

34:39concerned it’s an ABC and so that’s why I expected from this Spike to get a good solid movement higher and I actually

34:46said um you know I was talking to people at the time when it hit 110 I said that’s the time to buy um and it exactly

34:54was you know just over 110 um and it’s moved up really nicely 153 right now so

35:00in percentage terms um 43 out of 110 I mean you’re more than 30% higher in a

35:06couple of days I mean if you bought in Monday today’s Thursday so three days um

35:13pretty happy 30% in three days you’re going to be very happy and this is one that i’ be basically looking to protect

35:20my trade I am holding salana but protect your trade if you got in at those nice

35:26levels protect some of that profit because if you you know if you’re wrong and you can always you can always be

35:31wrong anybody can be wrong um at least you guaranteed a profit if you got your stop loss now moved up into a profit

35:37position um if price were to go south then you get a profit no matter what but if it continues higher and the

35:44expectation is that this being an ABC the expectation is we’re going to exceed

35:50this start of this a wave here which was um 209 so we’re 153 now so still in

35:57percentage terms you’re talking another 30% higher more than 30% higher um if we

36:04get to 209 and it should go beyond 209 so if this is ABC we should go beyond 209 so already 30% up in three days but

36:13a further 30% minimum to to exceed that level so um that’s you know very very

36:22big potential gains just from getting into this trade and now protecting it so it’s risk-free trade which which is

36:28amazing they’re exactly what you want uh gold is still chopping around it’s not

36:34really gone anywhere it’s that stable asset that so stable through this whole

36:39thing yeah again potentially we um may be pushing down a little bit

36:47further at some point um but as I say I’ve said for a long time I think we’re

36:52heading to new alltime highs and gold so definitely should be part of any well-balanced portfolio because it’s a

36:58non correlated asset definitely one I’d be very interested in I saw an upgrade

37:03as well I think on lightcoin it’s one that’s been hanging around in the dold drums a little bit but we know Litecoin

37:10when it does move it can move um quite aggressively we appear to have had an

37:15again like that other asset the seawave it lower than I expected um but I’m not quite sure why

37:23I’ve got the support in here but I had a support line drawn in here we didn’t quite reach that support so from this

37:28level we got the spike down which means again price tested lower it failed to go lower and actually pushed back up again

37:35so we found buyers when price dipped down we found buy buyers very rapidly this is a daily candle So within that

37:42same day we had sellers but the buyers came in and bought it back up quickly

37:47and that’s how you get this Spike down and it basically means that price failed to pushed down it’s actually pushed

37:52higher and we’re it looks as though we’re potentially going to be heading quite a bit higher so tentative what are

37:59we currently at right now with Litecoin Litecoin we’re at $58 yeah I mean I was just looking at it

38:06at 55 I was like oh wow that’s I mean going recover I mean it’s

38:12it it’s you know it was at a 100 bucks I guess a lot of the assets are like that

38:17but anyway looks looking pretty nice what was very interesting I think just um I’ll finish up because I guess you

38:24probably got a lot to do still on the show but this Le here was telling me a triangle remember is a pre-terminal wave

38:31so wxy so following that so after a

38:36pre-terminal wave you have a terminal wave and the terminal wave was the Y wave which actually is made up of ABC

38:42and that’s precisely what it was so I knew from that point we’re going to get a turn a substantial turn lower which is

38:49exactly what happened and again I’m sure we can find divergences in fact I can see one straight away here basically

38:55between here and here so there was was clear clear Divergence I’ll just draw that in very quickly just so you can see

39:02what I’m talking about so from the we can see higher highs on price I’m just

39:07drawing this in very roughly and correspondingly somewhere around there

39:15to just down there about there anyway it’s actually just fractionally lower oh

39:21actually it’s not fraction it’s quite a bit lower so it’s nice so we got really good um uh regular bearish Divergence

39:28here so we’ got higher Peaks on the price and lower Peaks on the corresponding RSI you see they have to

39:34be corresponding that’s precisely what it was so we got after this move here so it’s fantastic we had a triangle pre-

39:41terminal we then get the terminal wave and it was WX so we knew y was going to be made up of an ABC move um and then

39:49following that y wave we got the regular beish Divergence telling you this is a sell point we knew there was going to be

39:54a sell because of this terminal wave here this was terminal it has to be according to the rules of Elliot wave

40:01and we got the bearish Divergence so it’s beautiful sell opportunity um which

40:07we’ve seen and now I think I need to look at this more closely to look I think we’ probably um find some

40:13divergencies and some interesting opportunities so looking good so overall as I say we’ve got a really good nice

40:19Green Day in the markets the only the only Reds we can see there are dollar Index oil slightly down but the crypto

40:26is generally looking really green and positive to the upside as we said time to buy him was Monday um and time to

40:34protect is now and hopefully hold those positions for for greater games to come

40:40so that’s it for today hope it’s helpful awesome well thank you so much Matt I

40:48always insightful and helpful it’s we’re all we’re all holding

40:53our breath pleasure to share and I I hope you’ve all gained something from it

40:58because we have had some amazing gains um things that we featured on the show have been have been you know though I

41:05say it though we say it ourselves um being pretty spot on in terms of calling

41:10the markets both up and down and U some great opportunities to be had there so

41:15thanks again look forward to catching up tomorrow amazing

41:23cheers well there you have it folks I great Matt Dixon with the with the market report there the some nice

41:30scrumptious moves if you hopped in there on those dips you’ve done quite well man

41:36I’ll tell you what $49,000 Bitcoin if we go up from here you’re going to be remembering that man

41:4249,000 it hit 40 remember it hit 49,000 before it jumped up to 100 I you know

41:48that’s that’s the way it works but still looking pretty nice uh but again you

41:53know what he talks about and what what uh what Matt talks about a lot and this is trading strategy this is how you

42:00professionally trade this is one of the reasons why we do the show one of the reasons why we talk about this stuff is

42:06because you you don’t just jump into the market you want to wait until you have

42:15confirmation of different moves even though something could look very very scrumptious very very nice you could

42:22just go in there and be be catching a falling knife unless you just wanted put

42:28some dollars in there and and and kind of walk away and and watch it or whatever or it’s just a gamble just

42:35understand that it’s gamble if you want to trade and make money on a consistent

42:40basis you want to follow these signals and we talk about it uh we talk about it

42:46every day and you can see how we draw it in there draw the lines okay here’s the

42:51support here’s where we want confirmation so once it passes here we have a confirmation that this is this

42:56type wave or it’s that type of wave and then we can with a reasonable with reasonable I uh

43:05expectancy say okay this is going to happen or or that’s going to happen and

43:10that’s how you trade and win um so hopefully you guys are H are are

43:16watching and and following along maybe we’ll uh we’ll make some trades I am working on getting some stuff together

43:23where more people can participate so that’ll be that’ll be a lot of fun um we

43:28do have uh even while we are let’s see here even while we’re

43:36talking Dow futures have moved up considerably uh it looks like they’re

43:42pushing forward for a green opening we’ll see

43:50um Bitcoin has had a move at 573 80 it’s

43:57sitting at right now me just kind of toggle around here just even sometimes

44:03just even as the show this hour that we do the show it’s one of the reasons why I like doing the show at this hour

44:08because it’s a very important time of the day to to do stuff so people wake up

44:15people like myself people that are trading and whatnot here on the East Coast they wake up 5 6 amm and they’ll

44:24decide I they’ll decide they’re going to what they’re going to do they’re going to go long they’re going to go short all

44:30these types of things until yesterday I hadn’t heard about the attempt on assassination on Putin in the same month

44:36As Trump I know and it’s crazy right yeah they don’t want you to hear about that because obviously anybody that’s

44:43critically thinking will be like hold on a second they tried to assassinate Trump and Putin within 15 days of each

44:51other like I said yesterday who ordered the assassinations who ordered the ass

44:57assassinations you have an attempt of assassination on the largest political

45:03figure in America and I’m talking the Americas

45:09in you know and you have the assassination attempt on the largest political figure in

45:19Europa in the same month obviously if you’re critically thinking

45:26you would say that that was coordinated and that was from the same people an

45:32assassination attempt on somebody like that you’re not talking about like you know a couple of guys just decide to do

45:37it like that an order like that comes from the top yeah order like that comes from the

45:43top and even if they’re using something like MK Ultra and you know it’s it’s nice now that I can even talk about MK

45:49Ultra and people they might a little bit but you know it’s true right you know it’s true the CIA has a program it’s

45:55called MK Ultra they have lots of other ones too it’s a mind control program and

46:01actually I’m G to have Cyrus on again on the show is super interesting I want to get my third eye going he talked about

46:07remote viewing and and everything like that I’m pretty interesting guy I also I want to raise money for his uh movie as

46:13long as he puts me in there not a coincidence you can’t locate

46:19it on the internet ah how about that at least I couldn’t find anything at all they’re going after all after leaders

46:25globally scary it’s absolutely correct and during that time as well you know they assassinated

46:31a bunch of other people that maybe weren’t as high-profile but that is the what do

46:40they call modus operandi that’s how they’re operating right now is is they’re just

46:46assassinating people and that’s one of the reasons why people are scared they’re scared and really I mean I don’t

46:53know who’s behind it but I always say in the FED these are the guys in Char the Central Banking cartel is in charge are

46:59they the ones that ordered the hit John F Kennedy before he was

47:05assassinated he uh won he won of course was going against

47:12the Central Banking cartel with the money he was was printing up silver Silverback dollars that were from the

47:18treasury not from the Federal Reserve and two he made azc which was the

47:24American Zionist Council register as foreign agents Hungary just did the same

47:30thing they made them and all NOS that are funded by different countries if

47:36you’re funded by another country and you’re lobbying in the

47:41United States or in another country you should I think we can all

47:47agree you should have to register and we should know where that money’s coming

47:53from so after he and then in the fed the Central Banking cartel and and ACC I

48:00mean you know they’re all I mean I they’re all Israeli you guys know that I’m sure right they’re they’re all

48:05Israeli Central bacon cartel so after John F Kennedy made the American Zionist

48:13Foundation register as foreign agents he was assassinated and then they just

48:20continued as their subsidy APAC and they never registered again so they did

48:25register the acz did register but then they just once he was assassinated

48:31continued operating under APAC and they never registered again and all that is is is history

48:38anybody can anybody can look it up while they still haven’t erased it uh and then APAC is you know fast forward to today

48:46and APAC basically has bought off every representative that we have I this guy

48:52right here he told us it’s funny on this thing I have to point the other way so for me I’m pointing right now to him but

49:00I have to point this way so it’s a little this guy told us everybody has an apack guy so look I’m as easy as the

49:06next guy I love everybody okay I do I love everybody I don’t think anybody’s

49:11inherently evil well I guess some people are evil I don’t think groups of people are

49:17inherently evil I think even if one group of people wants to be better than the other group of people that’s fine

49:24too I don’t I it’s fine for me you know I say it every day we don’t have to like

49:29each other we don’t have to trust each other it’s it’s fine let’s just stop

49:37killing each other let’s just stop killing each other and if we stop killing each other

49:45then we’re going to start working together and things are going to be okay they’re going to be okay they going to

49:52be all right ending life is the wrong way it does doesn’t matter what religion you’re

49:58in that’s the wrong way that’s the wrong way life is beautiful life is

50:05wonderful you have to protect it and it’s not easy to come out and and

50:11talk about the the the reality of situation that’s going on trust me but

50:16it is and it’s important that we talk about it let’s see what else do I have here I

50:23have a bunch else I’m going to play my friend uh Dr melck here in a second here um the UK is arresting protesters I mean

50:30guys I’m going to talk about it again I mean this is this is serious stuff the problem is that when you have something

50:38that’s going on you have to understand so everyone says it’s end times and I’m going to address

50:46this but it’s not end times they want it to be end

50:52times that’s why and everybody doesn’t understand people don’t understand they

50:58want it to be end times because that’s when their Messiah comes the one who who replaces your

51:05Messiah or or Jesus if you’re if you’re Christian they want it to be the end

51:11times but it’s not the end times it’s not the end times they’re trying to fulfill the

51:18prophecy but it’s not going to work because it’s not in times we have a lot of time to go we’re going to travel the

51:25Stars speak of that speaking of traveling the stars there is a gentleman

51:30that came up with a spaceship that can travel faster than the speed of

51:36light and you go wait a minute how can they do that that’s supposed to be a law

51:44Interstellar I’m gonna let this guy explain it because he does it better than me let me pull it up here on my uh

51:50on my thing the way he did it yeah I’m I’m

51:56going to put it up here right here the way he did it was by moving the space around the ship the

52:04ship doesn’t actually move he moves the space around it this is really interesting I’m going to play it for you it’s just real quick real quick clip

52:10we’re going to travel the Stars guys it’s not end times we have a lot of way time to go is it possible to build a

52:16ship that could break the cosmic speed limit a mathematical physicist Miguel

52:22aluer of Mexico inspired by the original Star Trek television series conceived

52:28the calculations for a ship that could theoretically travel faster than the speed of light if successful it could

52:36cut the travel time between our sun and this distant star system down to a single year or even

52:42less but wait a minute isn’t it a cardinal rule of science that thou shalt

52:48not travel faster than light it is but here’s the thing about the aluer drive

52:54it doesn’t move the cosmos does the ship itself would be enclosed

53:01in its own SpaceTime bubble where it needn’t violate any laws of physics

53:06Harold white of the United States ironed out some of the Kinks such as prohibitively enormous energy

53:12requirements to fly it but it remains far beyond our immediate

53:18gr the aluer drive ship is a gravitational wav making machine that

53:24compresses the ocean of SpaceTime in front of it and expands that ocean in its wake jet skis for joy riding through

53:33the Galaxy and Beyond an advanced version of our aluer Drive could do 600

53:40trillion miles in the blink of an eye tell you what guys that’s the

53:47coolest stuff to me I I don’t know if I’m still a kid or whatever when I was a kid I used to dream about traveling

53:53space and and all this place that’s what it’s all about we’re not supposed to stay on this Earth

53:59and just fight each other let’s go to the stars are we

54:05really made in the image of God like you know you see the aliens the aliens are always you know ugly looking things are

54:13we really the most beautiful ones and everything else are these ugly creatures think about that is it think

54:20about that if that’s true so okay we can pretty much get our head around there’s got to be life right and

54:27I don’t think we’re the most beautiful ones to be totally honest right I don’t I mean I think we’re goodlooking but hey

54:33right I’m human but maybe we are what if we are what if we are the most beautiful

54:40creatures in the entire

54:47universe what if we’re the ones that are supposed to settle the universe

55:02get that end time stuff out of your head we have a lot we have a lot to do we have a lot to do so much to

55:10do while I’m going on before I play Ste Melnick want to talk about my good friends poke gold poke

55:19gold I love the Poke gold you know I love the Poke gold one

55:25because they have uh such a great Community they have such a great

55:30community and they’re backed the liquidity is all locked so you have po gold and you have

55:38Dalgo which is their meme coin right got the Poke gold and you got the

55:44Dalgo and these things oh man it would be a nice uh it’s probably a nice moment

55:50to take your position pke gold

55:58I I I I did did take the bigger

56:03position on this dip I did I did okay I did

56:10it uh I’m I’m very bullish on on these assets I really am p

56:16gold. tech I’m just going to actually go to there

56:23Tweeter bu gold so if we are

56:30in the recovery portion here and we’re going to push up understand that these

56:37assets poke gold and algo they’re backed by they have the liquidity Locked In

56:44Here let go and repost this

56:50again they’re doing a different vote on on different things so what they did was

56:55they two I talk about it every day the dot whales and the

57:02I let’s go to dgo the dot whals and the polka dot whales and the alaran whales

57:08put this together okay this is the mem coin I love the meme coin mcoin right

57:13now at like couple hundred, market cap I mean this is like this thing this thing

57:18can go it it will more than likely be the dgo D algo it will more than likely

57:24be the it is right now the meme coin on the

57:30aloran network fun and this is like the advertising branch

57:36of it’s like the advertising branch of uh poke gold so you want a little bit of

57:43both it’s on algorand I am going to uh post how to buy it I’ll post how to buy

57:51it that’s the one right there now as well

57:56I want to talk about our good friends over here at

58:02uh coin vigilante coin vigilante

58:08watches amazing americanmade time pieces beautiful time pieces make sure

58:16to use code impact money impact money get yourself a 10%

58:22discount on these watches

58:28coin vigilante watches go to coin vigilant.

58:34comom inspired by the Bitcoin monetary

58:42Revolution coin

58:47vigilant. and right up here before I queue in my main man Stephen

58:53Melnick tangem get yourself a tan gem

59:00wallet don’t be caught with your pants

59:05down and get your crypto stolen it’s happened to the best of us guys don’t be that

59:12guy okay don’t be that guy don’t let that happen to you go to

59:18tm.com use code impact money get yourself some

59:27now I have my friend Stephen Melnick very good friend of mine with lives Amplified I’m going to play this

59:32interview that we had yesterday very interesting interview get go to the website use code impact money to

59:39register or contact me let’s get you in here let’s raise some money there’s a

59:44lot of stuff we can do here this is Stephen

59:51Melnick and we are back I have a very special guest with today longtime friend

59:57I know I’ve been teasing it now for a few days on the impact money show a good friend of mine man I have a lot of

1:00:03respect for Stephen Melnick Stephen Melnick is uh he is a diplomat he is a

1:00:10he’s a world leader he’s a businessman he’s a family man he’s all of those things I’ll let him introduce himself a

1:00:16bit more H but we met years ago at uh in in Washington DC and have been uh both

1:00:23doing very special things as we move forward stepen Melnick Dr Stephen Melnick it’s a

1:00:30pleasure to have you on the show thanks for coming on how are you oh fantastic Bruce it’s always a treat to see you and

1:00:36it’s always a pleasure well it was uh it was really an amazing moment uh when you

1:00:42uh reached out to me the other day and I know you know we gone back and forth over the years life happens uh I’m on

1:00:47one side of the world you’re on one side of the world like ships in the night as we go right uh but you reach out and you

1:00:55have uh put together this with with help I see this lives Amplified uh program

1:01:03lives amplified. org and it’s super special and this is a brand that you’ve

1:01:08been working for with for a long time right lives Amplified so tell me a little bit uh first of all about I what

1:01:16brought you to this point and then a little bit more about lives amp sure sure well um just minor correction but

1:01:24it’s a major in my mind um this is not something that I put together I mean something like that on the global scale

1:01:30of course it requires a lot of people and it’s been a group that’s been working together for quite some time which we could talk about in a bit uh

1:01:37but it is amazing and you know the whole concept of of elevating Humanity amplifying lives I mean at the end of

1:01:43the day you know this is this is what gives all of us sustainable happiness right I mean we satisfy our own needs

1:01:50but then the Mind always needs something else but when we kind of take care of others um that’s very sustain able and

1:01:56and so it’s been a theme of my life for quite some time and um and you’re correct and and even when we met

1:02:03originally in Washington DC that has been the theme as well and so we kind of continue in that direction and um but as

1:02:11as we all evolve and as the world evolves around us of course you know what and how we do follows so this is

1:02:18yet another element and another chapter in in the evolution of you know trying to

1:02:25create a plat form where we all um are able to come in and and and do what we

1:02:30do but on the kind of higher impact level um in terms of how I got to it I mean you know we we had I remember

1:02:38originally when we met you know we had kind of very interesting conversation in this regard but I’m I’m originally from

1:02:43UK Ukraine you know I came as a refugee over 30 years ago and uh so the concept

1:02:50of you know working with people who who come from nothing and want to get somewhere it’s not a theoretical

1:02:56conversation in my life and um and yeah and it’s been amazing ride I’m grateful

1:03:02to this country you know I I got education here I work with the world’s largest consulting firm and focus on

1:03:09Capital markets and uh did my stint as they said and and it was quite uniquely successful and the firm uh sponsored me

1:03:16to all these executive degree programs actually the first time in the history of this world’s largest firm which was

1:03:22really humbling and honoring experience and I served as a advisor to um one of

1:03:28the subgroups of US Treasury Department when I uh LED this initiative in my firm

1:03:33for kind of dealing with financial crimes and other things and and then ultimately I decided you know this was

1:03:39nice and uh you know it’s time kind of for semi-retirement although it was rather early age and I wanted to give

1:03:44back so I went back to Academia to give back to the school where um you know I

1:03:50kind of started this whole journey once I immigrated to this wonderful country and I’ve been there for 25 years as this

1:03:57is the largest business school in the United States and I’m honored and proud uh to be there as a 10e professor

1:04:04programs director which actually helped build um now now wait what what university is that it’s part of City

1:04:10University of New York yeah so it’s out of New York City uh and um yeah so so

1:04:16it’s been real treat and and it’s been real blessing and I served in many capacities uh to give back in in any way

1:04:24and every way I can including as a um regulator as a you know chair of um or

1:04:31also member of executive committee of acpa that regulates CPAs and personal financial planning professionals US

1:04:38Canada and kind of many other roles and founded actually a bar association for

1:04:43attorneys first from Eastern Europe but then it became National so that was a real treat and you know was coming up

1:04:49FIA was asked to write a book which did really well and became bestseller in multiple categories so there it’s been a

1:04:55long journey and ultimately what got me to to do what I do around the world is really my students Frankly Speaking um

1:05:02you know after the first class of each semester there would always be a few students who would come to me and say

1:05:08something along the lines of you know Professor melik we appreciate you teaching law and business and all that other stuff but you know we googled you

1:05:14and you came here just like our you know just like we did with nothing as an immigrant and just teach us how to be

1:05:20successful I mean you’ve done this on Wall Street and Academia and I had my own TV radio show sometime in the

1:05:26community and other things and Bar Association and publication like H how does it happen and you know I never had

1:05:32a good answer to them and ultimately you know it translated into uh something

1:05:38that I ended up calling uh counterintuitive intelligence basically and thought it around the world as you may remember uh we met actually in a few

1:05:45places around the world when I was giving talks and ended up coaching some the 4500 Executives and then ended up

1:05:51you know as an advisor to few president Prime Ministers and as they say the rest is history and then I was to participate

1:05:56in global leaders forums and my co-director you know ran Dallas events World economic forum for many many years

1:06:03Dr Victor and so it’s been also a blessing so we’ve been trying putting together heads of states and help

1:06:09promote countries and bring opportunities into the countries countries into the world and you know

1:06:15it’s it’s it’s I thank God every day I wake up it’s it’s a blessing to to be able to do these things and meet amazing

1:06:21people like yourself who who do incredible work by the way uh compl to you on your programming I have been

1:06:27watching and it’s it’s it’s wonderful people need information and the more the better well I I appreciate it you know I

1:06:34think one of the things that uh you do so well and I see it as a a theme uh

1:06:39even if you look at world leaders is you connect you connect and you connect with world leaders you connect with uh the

1:06:47workers you are able to uh connect and maybe part of that comes from being a

1:06:52refugee right and then coming up through and then as a tenur professor as you say I mean it’s it’s it’s a it’s a heck of a

1:06:58journey right anybody would be would be proud of it and then continuing to help more people and and that’s H you know

1:07:06that’s something else me and that’s a I I won’t name so many names at the moment

1:07:12but when you look at some of these successful politicians when you look at some of these successful people in the world that’s what they’re able to do

1:07:19they’re able to connect people feel like they relate to them even if they don’t have anything in common with them right

1:07:25in a way like they have way more money than them they have connections that they don’t have but but they’re able to

1:07:31to connect with those people and and you’ve done that very well o over the

1:07:37years my compliments on that yeah thank you thank you I mean it’s it’s always

1:07:42nice and and beneficial to have been there and have done that right and so

1:07:49whoever we engage with um you know especially if you really want to have

1:07:54impact you have to work with masses right but you have to understand the pain and suffering people go through and

1:08:00um you know I mean my my first shopping in the United States for furniture happened in Brooklyn in Ocean Parkway

1:08:08when we were and it was every Monday by the way because that’s when people would put put out furniture they wanted to

1:08:14throw out literally and that that’s you know that that was our furniture that’s how we started and and my first job when

1:08:20I came to this country I literally cleaned bathrooms with my mother is the first job speaking no English I said

1:08:25through you know business school with a dictionary U and and I would record

1:08:30every lecture I would come home translate every word or practically because we came here in no English at all I mean I knew you know five usual

1:08:37staple words so but it’s been a blessing and one thing I’ve learned you know in this country and you know I I thank God

1:08:44every day I wake up I thank God my kids were born here sometimes I still have dreams of living you know in former

1:08:51Soviet Union I wake up like okay what this all a dream you know so so I understand what people are going through

1:08:56I I’ve gone through it you know and I know also what it takes and I know what the opportunities are and so when I you

1:09:03know see and hear I kind of process it from my personal experience you know and I understand and and and that that helps

1:09:10you know because sometimes also you know you could get very much disconnected from reality so I could see this in many

1:09:18different levels I see in Academia I you know some some of the colleagues you know are so esoteric and so number

1:09:25driven sometimes they just live in the world that doesn’t exist in reality and and there’s beautiful papers get

1:09:31published that nobody even reads you know but you know there something to hang and if you want to have impact no

1:09:36nobody cares about you know what your interest is the point is

1:09:41is what’s the pain point you know and what can you do to solve that and contribute to elevating Humanity if if

1:09:48that’s the scale or on the most basic level I mean we we started the society with with with the concept of doing just

1:09:55that elevating Humanity but you know a lot of people want to save the world uh but their own house is a mess you know

1:10:02and and so you know our approach and informing it Society with many people is look look you know you got to take care

1:10:07of of your home I mean there’s a reason why when you get on the airplane they say you know put a mask on yourself

1:10:13before you take care of your children others and it’s not because they don’t matter it just that if you cannot take care of yourself you cannot help anybody

1:10:19else so so we kind of you know we you know there there’s an expression in few religions you know you got to keep your

1:10:26head up in the sky you know with God and and bigger things but your feet have to be firmly planted in the ground and

1:10:32that’s how I try to walk uh and talk and do and and try to kind of encourage others to do the same so there was a

1:10:40point uh in your career and and and I may have been uh witnessed to to some of

1:10:46those I have been witnessed to some of them you know where it kind of took the the turn or where it developed is an

1:10:53interesting question to me or to hear your answer to but there was a certain point when you went from helping

1:11:00businesses working with different corporations to actually working with heads of state working with world

1:11:07leaders working with people who were trying to make their own countries uh

1:11:12what happened at at that point and if you could describe maybe your thought process uh that was going on at that

1:11:20point uh the question about transitioning is that is that the question

1:11:26um you know I I started you know when I started in Wall Street and you know I became a CPA and then the firm sponsored

1:11:32me to Executive degree in law so I got my doctorate postdoctorate so I’ve done you know I ran a firm that was

1:11:38practicing na nationally bearing my name and it was always cool but I would always ask a question to myself every

1:11:46now and then am I doing what I should do like I I tried I try not to go on autopilot ever I actually been talking

1:11:52my my youngest son’s friends flew in and they were visiting us and you know they

1:11:58were asking me questions and and one of the questions was like you know what do you think what what do you think the

1:12:03formula what do you think like you’ve done really right um and and they expected you know me to talk about you

1:12:09know certain direction profession this this this business and and the reality

1:12:16is what what really worked for me is not to ever to go on autopilot no matter how

1:12:21successful it is no matter how good it is and you know I’ve been blessed anything been involved in kind of tend

1:12:26to work work and work well um so and usually that sucks you in and you just

1:12:31get kind of complacent and you know you continue to develop if it works especially why not and with me it was

1:12:37never the case you know and same on the personal level by the way you know with my wife so I would always stop you know

1:12:44every now and then and say okay am I doing what I should be doing um and and

1:12:49and where I should be doing the same with personal life are we doing the right thing you know should we have another kid uh are the kids doing the

1:12:56right thing should we get them involved in something else should we drastically change where we live because we I always like I I I cannot kind of deal with

1:13:04complacency so to speak no matter on what level it is and so so this question

1:13:09and ultimately you know like maslo Theory right when you take care of your basic needs and you know food shelter

1:13:15clothing you always think about okay what what you know what bigger thing what what self-actualization um you know is

1:13:21element of it is missing and what impact can we have and so what really kind of been driving me and guiding me is am I

1:13:31doing am I using the time that I have in this world uh and my energy and um my

1:13:39health right because everything’s into connected in a way that you know maximizes the impact and results and so

1:13:47that was the question I I kept always asking myself uh again personal business

1:13:54family and uh my our kids at some point would laugh actually because we would go

1:13:59away with my wife once in a while just a couple of days and then as we have fun we always talk about and we sometimes

1:14:05come back okay guys we’re moving right yeah I mean and that’s exactly how it was but it also you need

1:14:11kind of to come out from your normal routine because the mind is so wound up

1:14:17so sometimes you don’t think clearly right that’s why you know it’s good to to pause or just to

1:14:23relax take a few days before you make some you know major decisions so anyway to answer your question Bruce is um it

1:14:30was always about am I doing where you know I generate the biggest impact and this was kind of a natural progression

1:14:36you know small business medium okay helping transform businesses nationally

1:14:42locally around the world and then well you know what else comes and and ultimately I was blessed while helping

1:14:48businesses uh you know some of them asked me to engage with some governments and and kind of negotiate and things and

1:14:54that’s when governments noticed me and that’s how you know it’s it was all natural progression basically you know

1:15:00the beauty of this life is is if you put out you know the right good things right and right energy and you also set your

1:15:07mind in certain direction uh things kind of evolve and it’s been naturally evolving process for

1:15:14me and you’re right you know one of the many blessings that I’ve had is also you

1:15:19know ultimately uh to move from kind of having an impact on local National Business individual some families right

1:15:26that wanted me to help them represent uh their interest sometimes you know some people don’t want to kind of want to

1:15:31stay in the back and and have somebody handle things uh but also beyond that um

1:15:38you know on on the kind of country level and you’re right you’re right also you know one thing that kind of came to to

1:15:45into my world is also help kind of develop countries and even create countries and that’s something one of

1:15:50the big Focus areas for me now as well and this is where Society also gets involved because you know there’s a lot

1:15:57of tools in the box that Society has to help countries develop and we do that

1:16:02and uh and we kind of this is very exciting path it is it it’s very exciting path and you know for for many

1:16:10a lot of people will watch this you’ll watch it on your your TV maybe in Texas or Louisiana or you’ll watch it

1:16:15streaming around the world uh it’ll probably get replayed you know so people all over the world will watch it but if

1:16:20you haven’t traveled around the world it a lot of times it’s you don’t don’t really you don’t

1:16:26realize that there’s there’s new things happening all the time and that you know

1:16:32this there there are new countries that are are being birthed and there there are these these new uh relationsships

1:16:39and ended right I mean you know unfortunately or fortunately so I always thought that was uh you know very

1:16:45interesting and then if you fast forward you talk about the evolution of things into this now lives Amplified that you

1:16:52have right now you have multiple former heads of State on here I’m sure that you have heads of state that are involved

1:16:58like you said you can’t list those ones on there they can’t have those affiliations um let’s talk a little bit

1:17:04more about that let’s let’s talk about uh live lives Amplified and and how the

1:17:11value ad for people that that may be watching yeah well I’ll start at the end

1:17:17and then we’ll move backwards but in terms of value ad livs Amplified has uh

1:17:23um three major Focus areas and categories we we do want to impact the world and improve lives of

1:17:30people around the world wellbeing of humanity and that’s kind of one Focus area and you know it sounds crazy when

1:17:38people talk have these conversation and you know people who talk about uh trying

1:17:44to change lives and impact uh you know the crazy people usually end up doing it I believe Steve Steve Jobs said it at

1:17:50some point right so it it’s it’s been a treat in that regard and that’s kind of kind of One Direction Another direction

1:17:56is um you know and along that way to help those who try to do that and give them the platform another element is

1:18:04business right I mean I come from former Soviet Union so I know you know the the nonprofit is very important you know

1:18:10kind of the social element of it’s critical but as long as somebody is there to pay the bill that’s another um

1:18:17you know massive person of this life Margaret tacher who said that you know it’s all good as long as there is

1:18:22somebody paying bills something like that so there there’s a big focus on access connections networking and and

1:18:28everything else and the third element is which is as important to be honest with

1:18:34you is just personal fulfillment and life and joy you know we don’t believe in taking life too seriously because

1:18:40otherwise it gets shorter than it already is so with every engagement with with every event U you know we have some

1:18:46very very special experiences and our guests and members have amazing time and

1:18:52so and one thing to understand and also you know now I kind of so so that’s kind of the value so to speak um and there’s

1:19:00a lot under each each element and you are correct you know it’s it’s amazing

1:19:05group if you look at you know the board uh we do have you know I believe it’s

1:19:10the largest uh Gathering of heads of States outside of the United Nations in the B business setting um and you are

1:19:18correct we have current uh and former heads of States um on the board and

1:19:24involved with the society and we even future like somebody you’re showing now by the way president tuto from Bolivia

1:19:30he served as a president amazing gentlemen and he recently announced that he’s gonna run again and we’re quite

1:19:36sure he’s win again um so we try not to keep and we don’t keep on the board

1:19:41current heads of States because that you know has not certain consequences uh so if he does win he’s going to have to

1:19:47step out and you know do his tenure and then as others then come back uh but we

1:19:52do have also people who are senior government dignitaries who are involved the society and members of the society

1:19:58and honorary members of society including ambassadors including Council generals current representing many

1:20:05countries from around the world and some of them you know you could find uh on the website and of course

1:20:11there are many others and so and the whole thing is has always been kind of a

1:20:17private Network as it us as it’s usually the case um and you know the groups and

1:20:23you know in different shapes form has been doing a lot of amazing work in humanitarian format in in in business

1:20:29around the world and of course you know some names are more recognizable than others and and we have representation

1:20:35from all across the world I mean there’s Europe Asia Africa um Latin America

1:20:41Caribbean right so which is critical and important and so and and and you know over the years

1:20:48people been learning and wanting to be involved and it’s it’s it’s a quite recent phenomena you know the the

1:20:53decision was made made very very recently to formalize kind of the

1:20:59engagement organization and and really this is the counter utive part to have a

1:21:04bigger impact on the World to really you know step back for the group and and serve more as a platform that enables

1:21:12great people with Great Hearts first and foremost and Minds to get to Next Level and to accomplish their goals and thus

1:21:19to have a bigger impact in the world right because again it’s all about you know how can we have the bigger impact for the limited time and and and and and

1:21:27whatever else that we have and so as a result of that two entities were created one is lives Amplified foundation and

1:21:35that’s U you know NGO nonprofit this is where uh nonprofit related matters and

1:21:41you know we help develop policies we work with organizations around the world and and and academic institutions uh

1:21:47it’s leaders etc etc and of course you know get involved with events uh spending around the United Nations a

1:21:53moral economic for ETC and um and then the other entity is um is a business

1:22:01entity that does a lot of financing for nonprofit arm and generates cash flows for that and that’s Global leader

1:22:07Society calls lives lives Amplified and and this is where we put together amazing events and um and and the focus

1:22:15there as I said is just to help our members get to the next level um and

1:22:21whether it’s you know in the personal professional business um and that’s done basically through providing unique

1:22:29access and connections you’re absolutely correct and so we do that kind of in three main ways one is we’ve been

1:22:35putting together uh very elegant beautiful events in all you know most

1:22:40most most famous and and recognized places and it’s always High Caliber networking and we always have some of

1:22:47the largest families family offices of the world uh Venture Capital hedge funds Executives of multinationals but the

1:22:55idea was not to make it stuffy you know so we do have professionals we do have startups who trying to get to that next

1:23:01level and this was a big Focus because every everyone whether you’re a start you know a startup or multi-billionaire

1:23:07everybody wants kind of something next right so and every single event we’ve had a president of prime minister of a

1:23:13country uh uh as a special guest of honor and it’s not the situation the way you usually find if you come to an event

1:23:19where a president speaks they give a speech and then they kind of Bolt out so because these are all members of the

1:23:25society too so they always um hang out and answer questions and form relationships take pictures uh there’s a

1:23:32lot of videos you know on the website so people could see yeah I might play one

1:23:38once you’re you’re done here I’m gonna yeah so so and we all always have special experiences so in one event

1:23:44let’s say if we do you know I believe in April we we met in Argentinian Waterfront Steakhouse so was beautiful

1:23:51venue so we had Argentinian Tango show and and time before before you know we had fire show with black red cave

1:23:58experience and last event we did in Miami was South Beach um W South Beach

1:24:03was amazing venue and so we had um award-winning band and and and Drew

1:24:09Estates came in as as a sponsor for for Fine Cigars and we had some amazing Spirits there so it’s always you know

1:24:16it’s always kind of to amplify both personal and business level and relationships of course you know it’s

1:24:22amazing n working the second focus is business so in the deal flow so because of the nature of society it’s members

1:24:29board strategic Partners anything on the on the local National level Goods

1:24:34Services uh C Capital raising uh Commodities you know strategic partnership all the way to Global level

1:24:41opportunities access to New Markets you know people interested in government contracts and of course everything in

1:24:47between and the third area and this is the most interesting Bruce um there

1:24:53there are PL of places with some networking and even you know quality networking and yes it’s amazing it’s

1:24:59Unique access connections and all that stuff but what makes it uh even more uh

1:25:04different and unique I would say and I would even say uniquely powerful is that

1:25:10when when when members join um they don’t need to walk the march of how

1:25:15things operate they could create completely custom experiences for themselves what they want and they do

1:25:22that utilizing the mag that Society is because you know you put on one side people who you know run countries right

1:25:28presidents Prime Ministers and other digitar the other side’s you know the capital of the world of course one cannot live without the other but

1:25:34together they attract everybody else so our members use that because you can’t just get into the society have to be

1:25:40invited and our members get tickets and they could invite you know their strategic potential Partners strategic

1:25:46Partners you know clients Etc uh and of course there are plenty of events but people recognize that you know this is

1:25:52very unique and different you just have to look at the website quickly and you quickly get the idea so we’ve been packed from day

1:25:58one and uh and that’s that’s been a wonderful wonderful wonderful blessing and we created leadership opportunities

1:26:04so people could could serve as you know position of chair of a counil counil is

1:26:09usually their focus area uh their business or nonprofit you know there’s opportunity for that and that you

1:26:17know many people by the way live all over the world they never even ENC to the events but they become members um I

1:26:23think there are three main reason reasons one is it’s it’s highly prestigious you know not everybody gets approved of course on on the society

1:26:29level and um you know you you enter this exclusive environment and you know some people it’s their biggest item uh on the

1:26:36on their resume that they they kind of showcase even if they served in major capacities in the government or or

1:26:43private Enterprises another one that people could participate in in in the business and deal flow without ever coming to events there’s separate

1:26:49membership for that and the third is uh and that’s very interesting you know uh

1:26:54some of our members actually taking a lead to create events in their countries towns uh and they use the society as a

1:27:01magnet to attract exactly whom they want to do business with right uh potential clients again you know parties uh and

1:27:08and we support it and we flying Global Leadership uh to kind of magnify their

1:27:13impact and it works in amazing ways you know just to give you one latest example one of the latest examples one of our

1:27:20members in the society um you know just recently a few years ago entered into real estate arena

1:27:27in South Florida and was you know really wanted to connect with the biggest players and you know these things

1:27:33usually take five 10 15 years if you get lucky right biggest developers and you know she became a member and instead of

1:27:40reaching out as hi my name is this and this you know so I’m a member of lives Amplified and we’re going to be putting

1:27:45event together on real estate development we had the biggest Builders the biggest developers some the biggest

1:27:51players in financing Investments government uh representative um and also from Global

1:27:58you know Smart City development and and all these people I mean they were grateful to the member because you know

1:28:04it’s great opportunity for them to participate uh wonderful lady her name is ISA and and um and and and and it

1:28:11worked for everybody and it worked for other members so so this is you know the that’s that’s the idea to to serve as a

1:28:17platform for people to take advantage of it right and and those who who are motivated who energized this is the

1:28:24uniquely powerful tool and one thing that and something that I should probably address you know people may

1:28:30think oh my goodness you know I could never become part of it I could never afford this and this is you know we walk

1:28:36the do in terms of accessibility so we subsidize memberships heavily uh those

1:28:41of you who who are familiar with private organizations including tiger 21s of the world you know you don’t have to pay 80

1:28:47hundred 150,000 a year to have access to the events uh it’s actually like on the personal level you know the membership

1:28:53starts from three and a half thousand and you have access to all our general events it’s that simple we subsidize it and the deal flow subsidizes it because

1:29:01again we want to create access but you know just bear some some and that’s for the entire year by the way and the

1:29:06events were in you Florida New York and again the plan is and the events are being prepared all over the world so so

1:29:13and and of course there are higher level memberships people who want something more exclusive you know connections to

1:29:19investors or meeting with certain individuals then you know I mean memberships run way to 50 100,000 but

1:29:26most people don’t need this and you can’t really apply anyway by the way directly there you have to become a general Member First and there’s a

1:29:33corporate membership uh there as well which is again tiny fraction what anybody would expect and and then you

1:29:39know based on experience people get invited to higher level membership so so it’s quite unique it’s quite amazing um

1:29:46and one more thing I wanted to quickly mentioned we kicked off Society forums which is incredible they’re online by

1:29:52the way these are Zoom calls um video calls every month and this is also an

1:29:57opportunity for people without flying anywhere travel anywhere to meet to participate to discuss but we use this

1:30:03forum in a way that that that is very powerful it’s not simply networking or discussion of business this is where our

1:30:10Business Leaders entrepreneurs are able to share their pain and suffering with with with those who are in the same

1:30:15shoes who who understand them better anybody else because you know I mean this role of a leader you know we can’t

1:30:22really talk to employees or cents we got to you know March the March and do the talk but sometimes we all need to talk

1:30:28to others and it’s been very powerful so far and and and people share their experiences perspective which which was

1:30:35mind-blowing actually to see so and that’s been happening every month um um

1:30:40and and there are some you know sometimes for General events we have some guest bests as well so yeah very

1:30:46awesome so it it’s it’s interesting I want to play the the video I’m going to play the video in a second and then I want to talk a little bit more even

1:30:53about uh how it how it works because lives Amplified is as

1:30:59well the way you have the structure you are incentivized to help people succeed

1:31:06as well everybody does like the events you and I both know that it’s a nice real that you have here on the website

1:31:12let’s watch that and then we’ll and then we’ll Circle back


1:31:29my name is Russ Cox and I’m CEO of artifacts AI I think that this is a marvelous Society to do good for the

1:31:36world if we take a look at institutions like the UN they have good intentions but they lack the capital here that

1:31:42lives Amplified we’re able to bring together folks from a variety of different backgrounds both from the

1:31:47private Equity side from the AI side from the development side from the philanthropy side you really create an

1:31:52ecosystem that can change the world I think this is an absolutely phenomenal event I think that the camaraderie is

1:31:59great but it’s Amplified by the intellectual diversity by the

1:32:04philanthropic side by the money side I think there’s such an opportunity here I joined as an individual member a few

1:32:10weeks ago and I will be joining as a corporate member before the end of the year this was the first event I’ve been to and I was just blown away at every

1:32:17level and I cannot wait to participate more my name is Diego OA I am a real estate developer I am the President of a

1:32:23family business business called rilea group based in Miami the society is a

1:32:28very uh interesting organization and it’s a real pleasure to be a part of it and uh to be able to have the

1:32:35opportunity to be on the panel really to me it was the mix of people the backgrounds it’s amazing seeing world

1:32:41leaders here and ambassadors and just people of such high posts uh the conversation was fantastic to get

1:32:47involved it would be a good idea to join and you’ll be a part of such a interesting network of people from

1:32:53around the world not only from around the world but that have had such high posts and that have such a large wealth

1:33:00of knowledge that they can share big people’s brains here is uh is pric my

1:33:05name is uh Michael John Green I’m the chief of Economic Development and strategy for the Miami DDA I like the

1:33:11mix of individuals is what I liked about the event most I think that you had dignitaries business people Finance

1:33:17folks uh folks in Tech and the conversation was really interesting it also seems like everyone is really not

1:33:23only interested in themselves and being successful but also making sure that everyone else is successful I think the

1:33:30people who have never experienced live Amplified I think that it’s an amazing group of unique people that are rarely

1:33:35brought together in one spot uh and the type of networking that you can do in the build a relationship I think can

1:33:41last you a long time and make sure that not only you have a fruitful life but a fruitful career I would definitely be

1:33:46interested in becoming a member of the society uh because of the network but also because of who the people

1:33:51individually are and how they’re forward for the future for the future of people for the future of humanity my name is

1:33:59Honorable George Hamilton and the cons General Ambassador for S to Miami I I covered countries like Venezuela Canada

1:34:06Chile Jamaica you know I cover about nine other countri and one of the reason

1:34:11I choose to be part of the H member is because it upli lives and that’s one of

1:34:18my position of representing my country in Florida and then also a remarkable

1:34:24Network my name is Dr Betty Ur I just finished a $358 billion turnaround in California

1:34:32for J Morgan Chase and my life changed after I spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast and I talked to, 1600 leaders

1:34:40from 91 countries I love the society not only is everybody aligned with the core

1:34:46values but they’re very successful we have leaders here from all over the

1:34:51world at the highest levels and so you get direct access and if you

1:34:58think about how it would be outside of these doors to be able to get access to

1:35:04the kind of people that are here it really is phenomenal thank you for creating this environment so that all of

1:35:11us can thide my name is Tiffany my name is Nia Leona cille I thought Society was

1:35:17an incredible experience feel very grateful to be surrounded by such intelligent successful people be with

1:35:24habit group we are a real estate development company here in South Florida in Miami it’s an honor to be a

1:35:31part of this group uh I was very impressed with the participation of of

1:35:36the quality of the people that came to the event the number of people as well

1:35:41and how it was well organized and run I definitely think that it will be a plus

1:35:46for us to be able to be a part of this selected group with the high Network

1:35:52individuals with the the offices my name is Johnny chain Dr Johnny chain if you

1:35:58want success this is the launch path for

1:36:03going up to the Moon I met many professionals politicians

1:36:10technologist and financers that I would have never met on any other platform in

1:36:16this such short time take use the opportunity don’t do it tomorrow did it

1:36:22yesterday hey TR I have a small family office the society is fantastic you’re

1:36:29talking to people with disperate backgrounds different types of ideas

1:36:34it’s a tremendous thing if you’re looking to diversify your mind and open up your mind into different thought this

1:36:41is how you do it is life is about Connections and who you talk to and who you know this is a fantastic idea

1:36:49spending the time here it it gets the juices going you know excited motivated

1:36:57inspired meeting the right people with the right energies that speak to you at

1:37:02the right level but most importantly everyone is ambitious in a good way

1:37:09they’re trying to improve themselves their lives and um it’s like-minded people my name is Marl

1:37:17Glo you I founded 11 plus Legacy Alliance which is a company based out of

1:37:23the United States and works in different parts of the world I’m excited to be a corporate member they have Blended heart

1:37:29with impact in such a beautiful way that it almost feels like a business home really what I loved about the event

1:37:35today was the expertise in the different areas it’s a warm place to be it’s um

1:37:43yeah I I love the spirit I love the spirit of the people here and what

1:37:48they’re here to accomplish to impact the world and Elevate humanity and it’s obvious it’s not lip service here this

1:37:54is what people are doing with their time and their lives I’m humbled and I very much respect that and just thank you for

1:38:00keeping up the work so that we can all plug in and we can amplify what it is that we’re doing with you I am a I am a

1:38:08member I just became a member of the society and I can tell you how excited I

1:38:14am I am a corporate member and the moment I had a conversation with Stephen

1:38:20I realized absolutely I will sign out I signed up immediately I put in my money

1:38:26and here I am just a few days later I flew in from colia just to be here so

1:38:32and I will never look back this is absolutely the right tribe in the right place for me to bring my company in my

1:38:40efforts and I’m going to be bringing other people as

1:38:48well it is amazing and I’ll tell you what that that woman she just makes you smile right when every time she talks

1:38:55she she really has it she she really just uh she’s really you can tell she’s very very special person yeah we’re

1:39:00really blessed the the people you know another reality of our lives like we all meet a lot of good people you know wish

1:39:07we met more but you know there’s a lot of good really good people but the truth is unless there is some Bond there is

1:39:13some element where we interact on a regular basis we don’t get to talk to each other like everybody’s too busy so

1:39:19that’s been another amazing blessing for members and everybody who’s involved because number one you meet incredible

1:39:25people because it’s a pre-selection process of course right we want to make sure that some somebody who is a good

1:39:30decent human being again first and foremost that they want to have an impact they do something and and it

1:39:36doesn’t have to be huge thing could be local business but local business is important everything is local right

1:39:42that’s how you make a difference or whatever you do and the other thing I’d like to stress also on a foundation side

1:39:47for nonprofits people don’t pay a penny to become members on the foundation l

1:39:53Amplified Foundation we completely subsidize it so uh they’re able not just to become members they’re able to become

1:40:00leaders within lives Amplified Foundation um as I said you know this is a recent phenomena in terms of formal

1:40:05entity creation so we’re going to be kicking off some events uh and and uh for of course there is a firewall right

1:40:12between the foundation and the membership um private Society but at some point you know there’s going to be

1:40:19cross pollination and everything else as well so and we have a foundations and nonprofits that that are

1:40:26applying for membership from all over the world us Africa Asia Europe uh and

1:40:31they you and they’re able to use without paying a dollar a penny this is another way we kind of give back the society’s

1:40:37magnet to do what they do to help raise with funding uh to engage and have access bigger access to um the

1:40:44counterparty Strategic Partners whatever they want to engage they use the society magnet for that uh and in that case it’s

1:40:50it’s it’s the foundational board so so the you know there are all these and and many more opportunities and this is kind

1:40:56of you know these are some of the ways that that we help those who want to do

1:41:03good um get it done and get it done easier faster because ultimately even you know those who are super capable and

1:41:10and and and you know work hard and everything else they’re gonna get there but it’s how long right so it’s all

1:41:17about timing and it’s getting e there you know easier and faster and and amplifying the impact um this is our

1:41:25mission you know and and that’s what you’re kind of seeing uh and this is why the energy of of people that you see is

1:41:32what it is yeah well you put that many amazing people together and uh you know

1:41:37wonderful things happen so it’s also an agreement and and you’re incentivized to

1:41:43help so somebody comes in they want to raise you know1 million do I mean I even have somebody be in mind I’m gonna I’m G

1:41:48to send this recording to him as a matter of fact you’ll probably talk to him very soon I we’ll talk to him together but he’s uh he’s he’s big in

1:41:55the gold uh stuff with some amazing relationships needs to put together 100 200 million uh for a to to to to rent

1:42:04the equipment basically is what you have to do or or you buy it one of the one way or the other um the lines get

1:42:10blurred when it’s that much Machinery I think but uh he would know more about it than I would so somebody like that comes

1:42:18in and we we are able to put them in front of the right people and and we put

1:42:24together a deal and that makes everybody money and that’s uh that’s that’s an

1:42:29important part of this equation yeah I it’s it’s I agree and it’s actually critical because again in order to make

1:42:37the world go around there’s a lot of moving parts for that but one of them is funding right and and and also to be

1:42:45honest with you you know what what what what really um especially again coming from

1:42:51former Soviet Union when you know sometimes we wouldn’t have food right and my mother would ship me literally to her sister just to eat uh for a day and

1:42:59and the more money is made by people again with the right Minds the more people they all and we all could make

1:43:05happy right because money makes a difference you know do you get access to health care uh good nutrition you know

1:43:11and etc etc it’s education everything else so so yes yes yes and in terms of

1:43:18incentivizing people you know we were thinking there’s a enormous amount lot

1:43:23of people out there who do good but they’re not where they can be financially and there’s a lot of people

1:43:30also who who are great connectors they know a lot of people right but but you

1:43:35know quite often people struggle to monetize their access and connections and so one of the things that was uh on

1:43:43the table um to kind of address discuss and figure out a way is to create an

1:43:49opportunity for people to make money uh not just with what they do and for us to

1:43:54help them but also with and through the society and this is what what you’re referring to so I’ll be happy to

1:44:00elaborate on that so Society we we we really you know we don’t really advertise I appreciate the invitation to

1:44:07be in the program it’s it’s an honor Bruce and it’s always pleasure to do anything with you and to have a

1:44:14conversation yeah absolutely in fact I’ll tell you I went for morning walk

1:44:21with my wife you know summer we’re uh running away from from from Florida

1:44:26into cooler place in the mountains but we we usually go for for a quick walk and I told my wife I said you know I’m

1:44:32gonna be talking to Bruce later she goes Bruce Porter uh with with two two wonderful girls and and all you know she

1:44:39remembers you you’re amazing sweet man and um so yeah and she so you know the

1:44:45recording whatever we did years years ago so you very well and you know she she understood my my joy because you

1:44:52know we all wire you know we’re all suckers for great relationships bottom line you know some of us more than

1:44:58others so again I thank you I thank God and you for the opportunity for us to speak purely on the personal level but

1:45:05to answer your question so what what Society did was uh because it’s all By

1:45:11Invitation it’s all by kind of people kind of spreading the word there is no real advertising anything um uh at least

1:45:18so far and you know there there’s no plan for anything uh meaningful in the near future but uh when people introduce

1:45:26members um and again memberships you know start on certain level as I mentioned but they go all the way up and

1:45:31up and up into 100,000 plus um these people make money on on all the cash

1:45:37flow that comes in on the membership plus an all the renewals and it’s 10 to 20% Which is quite meaningful you know

1:45:43just pure introduction 10% if somebody wants to be a little bit more involved um then it becomes 20% um which which

1:45:50which again um you know depending on on the person situation Etc if they want to talk about Society give a link Etc so so

1:45:58and we even have accounting firm uh that is an retainer and all they do they they send out wires which is pretty cool and

1:46:05makes us very happy uh we some of the happiest Moments by the way when when people who would never expect and it

1:46:12happens all the time all of a sudden you know say oh by the way we need your wi instruction and uh and there’s going to

1:46:18be money coming in and and and quite often it’s quite substantial and on top

1:46:23of that um you know Society one one of the reasons we’re able to to

1:46:29subsidize uh our membership level so people don’t have to pay what they would think they they

1:46:35would need to pay is because Society gets an interest has a percentage of the business that happens within Society

1:46:42right so you know people expand their business you know whatever do they do uh

1:46:47get money so Society gets a percentage of that and whoever introduces that business gets percent instead it gets um

1:46:55again it varies depending on transaction whatever but the person gets uh um 10% of whatever comes into the society who

1:47:01introduce the deal right um and I’ll tell you something even more what we’ve done is um you know some people are

1:47:08highly connected so they bring a lot of they introduce people they create these group chats and they do put together their own zooms and they ask me to come

1:47:14in to just talk briefly but some people don’t know anybody they may know just one person right but who’s who’s like

1:47:21yourself highly connected right and uh if that person introduces let’s say you and and you’re the one who you

1:47:28know introduces all these business opportunities and and members and sponsors strategic Partners uh well you

1:47:35would be the one you know making or whoever that person is making this 10 20% Etc but the person who introduced

1:47:42you receives 10% of anything that you or whoever else makes right so again and it

1:47:48gets substantial and it’s all including on the business side of it the members ship and it’s all ongoing and that’s our

1:47:55and you know it’s all in the record everywh else and we have writeups on this also so that’s very exciting to

1:48:01people from all over the world because now they’re able to not just grow their businesses not just raise Capital not

1:48:09just access amazing people uh and have a great time while doing it and and and

1:48:15have all these experiences but in the same time also start making money just purely by bringing wonderful information

1:48:21and use because people always grateful no matter what it is and I think it’s no-brainer you know the world doesn’t

1:48:27Society is not a secret but the world doesn’t know about it so so when people learn about it from somebody they’re

1:48:33always grateful it’s a major value somebody delivers and you know serious people serious business people tend to

1:48:38become members do some business you know sponsorship whatever then these people also make money and it’s on going basis so it’s been a wonderful additional

1:48:46blessing to create these cash flow opportunities and it’s really passive cash flow and ongoing once somebody gets

1:48:51introduced they just collect uh funding so real real blessing and and and would

1:48:57bring a lot of Joy smiles and and money into people’s accounts which is really cool well I can I can attach to it as

1:49:05well firsthand so that is it is something that is uh it is remarkable

1:49:12and the amounts are are considerable so I think it’s a it’s an important part

1:49:17about it I so I wanted to bring it up you know for the for the average person

1:49:23that is going to want to join they’re going to want to come in they’re going to want to build their business they’re going to want to meet people that may not be part of your uh your business

1:49:31plan but for some people that’s going to be quite possibly a remarkable situation

1:49:37and so I wanted to bring it up and it’s great that you guys share like that

1:49:43because it shows that you it’s about growing in order to grow it’s like I tell the guys you know they they start

1:49:48their companies and they have all these coins or they have all these stocks and this and that and the other you have to get those coins you have to get those

1:49:54stocks out to the people otherwise you can never grow you know and that’s uh so

1:50:00that’s important yeah there’s there’s there are many ways to grow by the way uh in in many unexpected ways I mean to

1:50:05be honest with you some of our members actually it was never ever discussed

1:50:10okay but we also have for certain level of membership more exclusive experiences and access of course right um and uh

1:50:19some our members became members of Royal courts

1:50:24already and it’s it’s just I mean it was completely unexpected but you know there was an event we had some uh government

1:50:30representatives there and you know Kingdom and one thing after the other within a very short period of time so I

1:50:38mean that that’s kind of on one side but the other side I also wanted to tell you you know we do have members that are

1:50:43that are just professionals and and and when I say just meaning because you know I don’t want to give a sense that this

1:50:48is only for you know these major companies or you know wealthy but absolutely not in fact we work very hard

1:50:55not to make it stuffy you know a lot of our members also and we keep getting that

1:51:01feedback because you know good ideas nobody has Monopoly of good ideas and and and these investors also hedge funds

1:51:08one of our members um uh yeah I don’t want to use names because you know it’s

1:51:14a private Society but some of these people are now videos you know you played one video there’s you know our events covered by many different videos

1:51:21and you could actually meet him want to say exactly but you know major major you

1:51:26know venture capitalist and and he said Steve I also want this is why one of the

1:51:31reasons I love the society because it’s a beautiful amazing mix and some people just trying to get into the business

1:51:38World they may not know how to do it they may not have the capital to do it but they have a brilliant idea and I

1:51:43want to meet these people because I want to fund their dreams if it makes sense you know that’s what we do so I I want

1:51:49to make sure and and and and this is important point to stress that it’s not and and also it’s been priced you know

1:51:56to make sure that you know practically anybody could could afford this and we even provide payment plans you know to

1:52:02support as crazy it may sound too you know to break whatever Ju Just to help people get there while covering as I

1:52:09said foundation for nonprofits they don’t pay a penny and just have to be approved

1:52:15unfortunately there’s too many nonprofits that are you know look and sound like nonprofit but there is you

1:52:20know nothing happening there and you know that’s Frankly Speaking my experience unfortunately vast majority of them but if we see something real and

1:52:28we see some activity we want to support it and and and this is where you know they don’t spend a penny we just help

1:52:34them gain this next level of access connections uh by them using this the

1:52:40foundation again the uniquely amazingly um you know powerful magnet to attract

1:52:45to them who they want to attract including um you know investors funders

1:52:50um sponsors strategic partners uh etc etc

1:52:56amazing well I I want this to fit in to an hourong segment so I I think that

1:53:02we’ll ‘ll call it for today we’re gonna be talking a lot more lives Amplified

1:53:08guys make sure to H check them out lives amplified. org if you want to go directly to my referral link it’s

1:53:15backref back impact money impact money right impact money yes that’s uh that’s

1:53:20what that’s what I that’s my brand so impact money uh as well if you would like to talk to Dr step Melnick uh you

1:53:28can reach me there I hav been cly scrolling across the bottom reach out to me and and we can we can set that up we

1:53:35can make it happen there’s a lot that uh we can do and I and I think that we will

1:53:40do and I appreciate you coming on Dr melik it’s it’s always a pleasure it’s a

1:53:45real treat Bruce to spend time with you uh it’s beyond pleasure for me and you know this I’ve always been telling you

1:53:51this for for many many many years uh you’re amazing man you have amazing Soul you’re great father you’re great husband

1:53:58you want to do the good thing the right thing I’ve seen you in action all over the world each time some crazy

1:54:04place which always been wonderful and yeah for your audience you know we’re

1:54:09happy to support their efforts and and people could participate in many ways you don’t have to by the way one doesn’t

1:54:15even have to be a member to to benefit from society to make money through the society there are many Pathways to do

1:54:21that there are other people could engage by simply hosting events or it’s really endless so we invite

1:54:28people to be open-minded and and really take advantage of the opportunity like with anything else in business you know

1:54:34with real estate to say it’s all about location location location right with opportuni is all about timing and uh we

1:54:40have a lot of leadership positions available um and and you know whatever

1:54:45other opportunities whatever you do uh you meaning the person who’s watching um

1:54:50your programming and if you feel it could be beneficial to you and it could benefit Our member society which is what

1:54:56what it’s all about you know we we ask just two questions when people apply um

1:55:01for the membership and there’s a way to do it online too on the side one is um you know what are you looking to gain

1:55:07from this Society what do you really want to do but the other side is you know how could you benefit other members right because it’s critical I mean with

1:55:13everything that there is but we also want members supporting each other which has been wonderful wonderful experience

1:55:18as you’ve seen in some of the videos so so yeah it’s been real pleasure Bruce

1:55:23thank you for your time uh I I look forward to more and anything that we can

1:55:29do to support your efforts it would be our pleasure amazing well I you know

1:55:35since we’re you mentioned your wife my wife of course knows Stephen M Nick as well I mentioned I I talked to you the

1:55:40other day obviously I gave her a little bit of the news as well and I I send my best as well to your wife and I have

1:55:48like I said I have a lot of respect for you you have beautiful family as well you know having a family is something I

1:55:54tell the young guys all the time don’t miss it guys don’t don’t miss the moment and if you did it’s okay Life Is Life

1:56:01you you go on but if you’re in that spot don’t miss it it’s it’s a beautiful thing and uh and you definitely want to

1:56:08do it and you have a beautiful family as well happy to happy to have you on it’s a big pleasure and big honor thanks so

1:56:15much and we’ll have you on again see you soon thank you thank you always a pleasure looking forward and best

1:56:22regards and my best wishes to your wonderful audience thank you thank

1:56:31you your voice is powerful when combined with social engagement it’s a force for

1:56:37change decentralized media paired with free speech is the Catalyst for an empowered world and a unified invaluable

1:56:46ecosystem join Global boost become a champion of free speech and help to

1:56:51reshape the the future of media

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